Outsourcing Is A Contract

Supermarket guards will be tested for strength and adequacy
It'll make secret agents.

An unusual raid on Trade Centres and Network Ridge Points is planned to be conducted by activists of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. This time, they're not gonna be falsifiers or falsifiers, but... guards. The purpose of the action is to identify those who guard the ceilings with caviar, sausage and bread, but have no right. Also, to prevent the repetition of last year ' s nightmare story with a Pitary Employee who was taken to a coffin board by too much exorbitant employees of the PKO shop because of the banal theft of cream oil.

Photo: Gennady Churches

As MK told Dmitri Galuchon, the PIF Public Monitoring Commission ' s wing, a major raid is scheduled to take place this autumn. Representatives of professional associations associated with private security activities will be involved in the event in addition to substantive activists. The idea of the raiders is to go through all the big network stores. As Galuchin pointed out, a similar verification was carried out last year. Then the results were very disgraceful. On a number of occasions, it has been found that people who are perceived as security by the private buyer are not in fact at all.

♪ It's often not the guards, but the so-called trade hall administrators, the Dmitri Galuchin, the supermarkets hire these people. Outsourcing or other similar schemes.

At first glance, such administrators are the same eyes and ears of the store as the Puppet. It's hard, it looks different. I noticed a thief, I made a noise. That's what it turns out to be like and ends. The administrator, unlike the security guard, has only the right to observe. He has no right to hold a malicious man hiding a servet stick under his coat. But it's the law. And in practice, as security business experts come together, the master of the store is easier and cheaper to put a jacket on the administrator with the word " Guard " , than to bark and pay a lot of money to license professionals who, if necessary, are entitled to squeeze the offender and hand him over to the police.

♪ The main problem here is that the administrator of the room can arrange for anyone, even a dozen criminals, to be disturbed by the representative of the RPF, in the history of the pirate pensioners, as the prosecutor ' s office found out, they were the same people. They had no right to touch buyers.

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