Outsourcing Of Organization Staff

Outstaffing and outsourcing of staff - optimization of business process
аутсорсинг и лизинг

In any company, the most valuable resource is personnel. However, the recruitment of a permanent state is complicated. Formulation of a state without spending extra money and time, with help outstaffing and outsourcing

Outsourcing staff

For Russia, outsourcing staff is a relatively new phenomenon in human resources policy, although it has developed in the West for a long time.

The word outsourcing is from English outsourcing, an external source. Outsourcing of staff is the transfer by the organization of functions related to human resources management, a contractor engaged in the selection and recruitment of staff on a temporary or permanent basis. Such business relations are often long-term.

When you don't get it.

Often, outsourcing companies are approached when a team is needed for short-term or one-time projects to perform seasonal work or where there is no possibility or willingness to significantly increase the staff. The outsourcing of temporary staff is an optimum solution if a staff member who has been on long leave or is on hospital is required to be replaced. However, in the first instance, outsourcing of staff is considered to be a possibility for the outsourcing of long-term recruitment and recruitment functions. Companies interested in such a service include factories, supermarkets, shopping centres, utilities, hotels, warehouses, etc.

Outsourcing capacity

Today, virtually every function can be assigned to outsourcing. However, staff outsourcing companies are most commonly used in cases where:

  • Lawyers and accountants;
  • IT specialists;
  • Drivers, couriers, cargoes, stores;
  • Cling specialists,
  • Secretaries and management offices;
  • Personnel;
  • Translators;
  • workers (e.g. plumber or plumbing).


The outsourcing of staff is very convenient and profitable, or this service would not win such popularity in the United States, a country where business is turned into a high art.

The outsourcing of the company ' s secondary functions can focus on real important tasks without wasteing time and effort on external affairs.

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