Outsourcing Of Human Resources Services

Outsourcing, outsourcing
HR-обслуживание включает в

Услуги аутсорсинга, кадровый аутсорсинг

For example, your company needs
20 cargoes per month.
The White Ladja CR Company is selected
and sends him to you.
work. Staff continue to be trained
Number and wages
We, and we are responsible for them.

Let's say your company needs 20 trucks for a month. In this case, it will be necessary to spend a great deal of time in searching for cargo, contracting and legal processing, etc. This and similar problems are addressed by the White Ladja CR, which provides outsourcing services to companies. The advantage of these services is that the employees will be registered with our company and receive our salaries while working for you. Our company is also responsible for staff.

Human resources outsourcing implies the transfer of certain services to your company to a specialized agency.

This type of outsourcing is one of the main activities of the Staff Reactions Centre of the White Ladja.

The company is developing dynamically, its main specialization is the provision of outsourcing services to staff, staff leasing. This Professional category includes cleaners, fans, cargoes and handicrafts, packers and other workers. White Ladya provides outsourcing services in the following areas:

  • Outsourcing of workers from different services sectors;
  • Transport outsourcing;
  • warehouses and production outsourcing

By ordering a staff outsourcing, you will be able to focus entirely on the main tasks of the business by delegating us to the side problems.

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